My plastic free life: busy single mummy & business owner — plastic free baby

Attention all green parents!

Laura Callaghan eco home eco-friendly low plastic plastic free baby plastic free parent plastic-free plastic-free home plastic-free parenting reduce plastic toxic plastic zero waste

Attention all green parents!

  Hi! I'm Laura from Plastic Free Baby. I'm just a mum. A mum albeit who is conscious about the impact that we have on the environment. A 'green' mum, you might say. But I'm always keen to learn. I am always interested to speak with other eco-minded 'green' parents, to learn what their eco-hacks are, how they go about reducing plastic consumption, and how they go about minimising their family's impact on the environment. I am particularly interested to hear about what choices eco-parents are making limit the negative impacts of plastic and other materials loaded with toxins on...

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"Choose to Refuse" - it's Plastic Free July 2022!

Laura Callaghan eco home eco-friendly low plastic no plastic plastic plastic free baby plastic-free plastic-free home reduce plastic toxic plastic

"Choose to Refuse" - it's Plastic Free July 2022!

  Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution! The Plastic Free July website has loads of very helpful ideas for reducing general plastic consumption, and particularly single-use plastics. This year they have a really helpful calendar called 31 Days of Plastic Free Choices which shares some popular ideas for reducing plastic waste. For me, Plastic Free July it's a chance to focus on my personal plastic-free pledge, to reduce my plastic consumption even further, and to celebrate my plastic-free successes so far! I've been inspired by the Plastic Free Choices calendar,...

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Plastic-Free Summer Solstice Celebration Ideas

Laura Callaghan baby cosmetics baby products celebration eco-friendly homemade low plastic no plastic plastic free baby plastic-free plastic-free travel reduce plastic

Plastic-Free Summer Solstice Celebration Ideas

  The summer solstice falls this year on Tuesday 21st June, and it marks the astronomical start to the summer! Something to celebrate, I think you’ll agree!   Communities the world over find ways to celebrate light, the longest day of the year, brighter evenings, bountiful harvests, rebirth and POTENTIAL, by organising feasts, singing, dancing, rituals, gatherings, and much more.  I thought I’d put together a few ideas for a PLASTIC-FREE summer solstice celebration, to try to inspire you and your family to start some new family traditions that are kind to, and safe for, the environment and your little ones....

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A Parents Guide to Eco-Friendly Potty Training

Laura Callaghan eco-friendly plastic free plastic free baby plastic-free potty

A Parents Guide to Eco-Friendly Potty Training

  With the sun beginning to come out (slowly but surely!), it's the time of the year that a lot of parents think more and more about potty training their little ones. Warmer weather means that it's easier for little ones to be running around in only their pants while they get used to the idea of going for a wee on the potty instead of in a nappy! I thought it would be useful to put together some eco-friendly tips for plastic-free potty training, as I know that when I was potty training my son, I accepted any hints...

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Eco-Friendly Reading Ideas

Laura Callaghan baby toys no plastic plastic free baby plastic-free reduce plastic

Eco-Friendly Reading Ideas

For those of us who have been asked to dress our little ones up at school or nursery, we'll know that World Book Day is upon us again falling this year on 3rd March 2022. Dressing up as characters from our favourite books is a really great way to encourage our babies and children to get excited about reading, but ... it got me thinking... what other ways are there to get children really into reading? And are there any plastic-free and eco-friendly ways to do this, too?  Here are some ideas for activities to inspire our little ones to engage...

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