My plastic free life: busy single mummy & business owner — plastic free

Dear Santa, this year I'd like a Plastic Free Christmas...

Laura Callaghan christmas christmas present homemade low plastic no plastic plastic plastic free plastic free baby plastic free christmas plastic free home plasticfree reduce plastic toxic plastic xmas present

Dear Santa, this year I'd like a Plastic Free Christmas...

It's that time of the year again, where we are all looking for Christmas presents for loved ones. Not easy to find the perfect product at the best of times, but when you are also challenged with the task of going plastic-free this Christmas, your efforts need to be more than doubled!  My aim is to have a low plastic Christmas this year, as a strategy toward being completely plastic free in 5 years time. My theory here is that it's better that most of the population of the world aim toward lowering our plastic footprint than just a tiny proportion of us...

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